Do you have any questions about work and training or education in Switzerland? Do you need tips on finding and applying for a job or on financing an apprenticeship? We gladly support you.

Neu in der Schweiz

Information for migrants

The BIZ Career Information and Counseling Center of the Canton of Zug is the specialised office for all questions concerning profes-sions and career. These are our offers:

  • In the Information Center you will find information and brochures on all questions related to the topic of professions and career.
  • You will be supported by specialists.
  • The Information Center is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 13:15 – 18:00. Our address is:
    BIZ Career Information and Counseling Center
    Baarerstrasse 21
    6300 Zug
  • You can drop by without making an appointment (Walk-in).
  • There is free public WLAN in the Information Center.
  • The visit of the Information Center is free of charge.

  • You discuss your questions with a specialist on topics such as German courses, education recognition, job application or job search. Together you will then work out specific next steps.
  • Counseling is possible from Monday to Friday. For this you need to make an appointment in advance:
    Tel. +41 41 728 32 18
    Or fill out the online form.
  • If you do not speak German or English, you can bring interpreter with you for support/translation.

  • BIZ Links is the online information pool of our Career Information and Counseling Center:
  • It contains all documents and papers with further information about topics concerning professions and career.
  • If you want to use BIZ Links, you need a device with an internet connection.

Have your diploma recognized

If you have completed your training in another country, you can have the «value» of your diploma checked in Switzerland. There are various recognition offices for foreign qualifications and professions. The recognition procedure differs depending on whether your profession is regulated or not:

If you would like to practice a regulated profession, recognition (i.e. issuing of equivalence) is required. For a list of regulated professions see:

If you would like to practice a non-regulated profession, you do not need to have your foreign diploma recognized. In this case, the diploma gives you direct access to the job market. However, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SBFI) recommends that you obtain confirmation of your level. Such a confirmation classifies the foreign diploma in the Swiss education system.


Amt für Berufsberatung

Amt für Berufsberatung
Baarerstrasse 21
6300 Zug
Opening hours

Montag und Dienstag
08:15 - 11:45
13:30 - 17:15
08:15 - 17:15
13:30 - 18:30
08:15 - 11:45
13:30 - 16:30

Vor Feiertagen schliesst das BIZ spätestens um 17:00 Uhr.

Phone number
+41 41 594 32 32