Amt für Brückenangebote
Department for bridging programmes
The bridging programmes in Canton Zug with the profiles S-B-A, K-B-A and I-B-A enable young people and adults to expand the skills necessary for a sustainable entry into the world of work or a general education school.

Please find more information about the bridge programmes and important services below.
Media platform
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
S-B-A School bridging programme
Recording S-B-A / K-B-A
K-B-A Combined bridging programme
Career orientation year BFJ
I-B-A Integration bridging programme
Recording I-B-A / I-B-A-20+
I-B-A- 20+ Integration Bridge Programme for Adults over 20
SEK I Asyl Integration bridging programme
You can reach us by telephone.
Mon. - Fri. 8.00 - 11.30 / 13.30 - 16.00.
We are not available on Wednesday afternoons.
Personal appointments on site: by arrangement
About us
The Department for Bridging Programmes is responsible for the management, coordination, quality assurance and further development of the cantonal bridging programmes.
The S-B-A, K-B-A and I-B-A bridging programmes in canton Zug enable young people and adults to broaden their skills for a sustainable entry into the world of work or general education. Over the course of one or two years - depending on the focus - the three programmes offer individual solutions for improving language skills (I-B-A), general academic and interdisciplinary skills (S-B-A) or practical work experience in companies (K-B-A). This is always combined with targeted support and guidance through the career choice process.
Management and Team
Coaches - Lernbegleiter/Innen Brückenangebote
Sie finden die Namen und Kontakte der Coaches (Lernbegleiter/innen) der Brückenangebote nach Lernorte (Standort):
Liste Coaches
Requirements and profiles
Bridge Programme Attendance (Requirements and profiles)
Admission requirements
The basic services of the bridge programmes are free of charge for students who live in canton Zug. Students who live in another canton may be considered for admission if they pay the contribution in accordance with the Vocational School Agreement (BFSV) (see price list).
Information on additional costs can be found in the price list.
Admission to the K-B-A or S-B-A requires completion of compulsory schooling. The I-B-A and I-B-A-20+ are aimed at young people and adults with a migration background as well as Swiss citizens with German language deficits (returning from abroad).
School bridging programme (S-B-A)
- Full-time school with individualised learning programmes
- Supplementary school programmes to promote interdisciplinary skills
- Coaching for the studying and career orientation process
Combined bridging programme (K-B-A)
- Individualised school education combined with work in a placement company.
- Coaching for the studying and career orientation process and during the placement
Integration bridge offer (I-B-A | I-B-A-20+)
- Full-time school with individualised study programmes
- Coaching for the studying and career orientation process
- Promotion of labour market skills
- Acting on behalf of the municipalities lower secondary level 1 schooling of youths from the asylum and refugee sector.